
4.47 is the better one

loop part in 4.47

  mrmovq 8(%rax), %r9
  mrmovq (%rax), %r10
  rrmovq %r9, %r8
  subq %r10, %r8
  jge L3
  rmmovq %r10, 8(%rax)
  rmmovq %r9, (%rax)

50% jge is right, run 5 instructions; 50% jge is wrong, run 7 instructions and 2 nop bubble. so Cycles Per Loop is 50% * 5 + (7 + 2) * 50% = 7

loop part in 4.48

  mrmovq 8(%rax), %r9
  mrmovq (%rax), %r10
  rrmovq %r9, %r8
  subq %r10, %r8
  cmovl %r9, %r11
  cmovl %r10, %r9
  cmovl %r11, %r10
  rmmovq %r9, 8(%rax)
  rmmovq %r10, (%rax)

Cycles Per Loop is 9

loop part in 4.49

  mrmovq 8(%rax), %r9
  mrmovq (%rax), %r10
  rrmovq %r9, %r8
  rrmovq %r10, %r11
  xorq %r9, %r10
  subq %r11, %r8
  cmovge %r11, %r9
  xorq %r10, %r9
  xorq %r9, %r10
  rmmovq %r9, 8(%rax)
  rmmovq %r10, (%rax)

Cycles Per Loop is 11

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