
code in directory chapter12/code/12.38


  • sbuf.h, sbuf.c: prethreading package from section 12.5.4 in book. differences are that add new functions sbuf_full, sbuf_empty.
  • tiny.h, tiny.c: origin tiny server from section 11.6 in book. differences are we seperate function declarations into a .h file
  • main.c: listen new connections, create threads and adjust threads number dynamicly

see new functions in sbuf, sbuf_full and sbuf_empty

/* Empty buf? */
int sbuf_empty(sbuf_t *sp) {
  int e;
  P(&sp->mutex);                          /* Lock the buffer */
  e = sp->front == sp->rear;
  V(&sp->mutex);                          /* Lock the buffer */
  return e;

/* Full buf? */
int sbuf_full(sbuf_t *sp) {
  int f;
  P(&sp->mutex);                          /* Lock the buffer */
  f = (sp->rear - sp->front) == sp->n;
  V(&sp->mutex);                          /* Lock the buffer */
  return f;


 * main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../csapp.h"
#include "tiny.h"
#include "sbuf.h"

#define SBUFSIZE  4
#define INIT_THREAD_N  1
#define THREAD_LIMIT 4096

static int nthreads;
static sbuf_t sbuf; /* Shared buffer of connected descriptors */

// thread info
typedef struct {
  pthread_t tid;
  sem_t mutex;
} ithread;

static ithread threads[THREAD_LIMIT];

// init work
void init(void);
// function for create server thread
void *serve_thread(void *vargp);
 * creating thread that adjust total thread count according to sbuf situation
 * if sbuf is empty, double threads
 * if sbuf is full, half threads
void *adjust_threads(void *);
// from start to end, create (end - start) new server threads
void create_threads(int start, int end);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int i, listenfd, connfd;
  socklen_t clientlen;
  struct sockaddr_storage clientaddr;
  pthread_t tid;

  if (argc != 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <port>\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "use default port 5000\n");
    listenfd = Open_listenfd("5000");
  } else {
    listenfd = Open_listenfd(argv[1]);


  Pthread_create(&tid, NULL, adjust_threads, NULL);

  while (1) {
    clientlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
    connfd = Accept(listenfd, (SA *) &clientaddr, &clientlen);
    sbuf_insert(&sbuf, connfd); /* Insert connfd in buffer */

void init(void) {
  nthreads = INIT_THREAD_N;
  sbuf_init(&sbuf, SBUFSIZE);

  // create initail server threads
  create_threads(0, nthreads);

void *serve_thread(void *vargp) {
  int idx = *(int*)vargp;

  while (1) {
    // get lock first
    // thread can't be kill now

    int connfd = sbuf_remove(&sbuf);

    // service ends and release lock
    // so thread can be kill at this time

void create_threads(int start, int end) {
  int i;
  for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
    // init mutex for every new thread
    Sem_init(&(threads[i].mutex), 0, 1);
    // create thread
    int *arg = (int*)Malloc(sizeof(int));
    *arg = i;
    // pass thread index in array into thread inside
    Pthread_create(&(threads[i].tid), NULL, serve_thread, arg);

void *adjust_threads(void *vargp) {
  sbuf_t *sp = &sbuf;

  while (1) {
    // if sbuf is full, double threads
    if (sbuf_full(sp)) {
      if (nthreads == THREAD_LIMIT) {
        fprintf(stderr, "too many threads, can't double\n");

      // double n
      int dn = 2 * nthreads;
      create_threads(nthreads, dn);
      nthreads = dn;

    // half threads
    if (sbuf_empty(sp)) {
      if (nthreads == 1)

      // half n
      int hn = nthreads / 2;
       * all server thread are divide to 2 parts
       * keep [0, hn] running
       * kill [hn, nthreads] threads
       * if you want to kill a thread, you must get the lock before it so you
       * won't kill a thread which is offering service.
      int i;
      for (i = hn; i < nthreads; i++) {
      nthreads = hn;

run server

(cd ./site/content/chapter12/code/12.38; make && ./main)

open another terminal and benchmark it

wrk -d4 http://localhost:5000


Running 4s test @ http://localhost:5000
  2 threads and 10 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   130.44us  183.40us   9.03ms   98.06%
    Req/Sec    11.08k     5.09k   17.78k    53.66%
  90380 requests in 4.10s, 19.74MB read
Requests/sec:  22039.72
Transfer/sec:      4.81MB
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